Donnerstag, 26. Januar 2012

Global Game Jam - Challenge accepted

Hey there readers,
this post is not about Siactro or Retro Arcade Adventure but rather about a really awesome event that is starting tomorrow(depending on the place you call your home). It is the Global Game Jam, a workshop that challenges you and your team (if you have one...) to create a game in 48 hours(sounds familiar ey?). The really awesome part is that it will happen at special locations(universities, schools, your mom's garage?) who will host this event. Me and some friends will get together tomorrow at the cologne game lab, one of our local hosts for this event.
There will be a special keyword that we have to incorporate into our gameconcept. From the moment we hear that word, the 48 hours start ticking. It is truely an awesome event and I will keep everybody over at Twitter updated during the event. With a lot of livecams and documentations afterwards it is really an interessting thing to check out.
Hope you will enjoy the interessting games that this event will produce.
Until tomorrow then! See you on Twitter!

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